Sorry! Canceled due to weather being too cold to enjoy the day. Happy Halloween!!!!
Image courtesy of Canby News
Nella Hoel's Birthday was July 25th, 1891.
Carrying on the social tradition of meet & greet over ice cream!
2023 Raffle Winners:
Quilt - Jenna Dressen
Canby Meat Center:
Betty Hanna
PK Egans:
Nancy Bormann
Mary Swenson
Canby Theater:
Anita Paulson
Richard Wassmer
Quilt displayed on Queen Sized bed.
Thank You!
Thank you to the people and businesses who make our Ice
Cream Social a success! A huge thank you to the guys who
transport and set up tables, the kitchen and serving staff,
the talented Tour Guides, the Canby News for ad assistance,
Along with the many background volunteers who make our Social the best.
You are very special, and we greatly appreciate your support.
We can't do it without you!
Quilt proceeds donated to the Lund-Hoel House by award winning local resident.
Additional prizes by Moberg Meat Center (original office of John Lund), 2 PK Egans gift certificates, Canby Drug & Gift, and Canby Theater.
2021 Raffle Winners:
Handmade Quilt:
Phyllis Roehr
Moberg Meat Gift Card:
Jennifer Dressen
P.K. Egans Gift Cards:
Grace Hagestad
Jaydin Roehr
Canby Drug & Gift:
Julie Wornson
Canby Theater:
Cathy Rhymer
Ice Cream Social cancelled due to COVID-19
Ice Cream Social postponed to 2020
due to Street Project on 4th and St Olaf.
2018 Ice Cream Social:
Handmade Quilt:
Don Roehr - Britton, SD
Moberg Meats $50 Gift Certificate:
DeDe Burlingame, Gary SD
PK Egans $25 Gift Certificate:
Shaice Marx, Thompson, ND
PK Egans $25 Gift Certificate:
Grace Hagestad, Egan, MN
2017 Ice Cream Social:
Raffle Winners:
Handmade Quilt:
Bob Cauwels, Tyler MN
Snortum’s Plant Pack:
Mary Fink, Mpls MN
Myrna Tesch, Canby
$50 Moberg Meat Market Gift Card:
Darold Hanson, Canby
$25 PK Egans Gift Certificate:
Jackie Mortenson, Canby
Ice Cream Social
Raffle drawing 2016 Winners:
Handmade Quilt: Audrey Busse
PerennialPlants ( 2pk):
Lucille Hoffman
Doug Pearson
Marcella Oellien
Renea Frazeur
Moberg Market $50 Gift Certificate:
Alta Heise
PK Egans $10 Gift Certificate:
Rosella Kallhoff
Rita Stoks
Jeff Fink
Ice Cream Social
Raffle drawing 2015 Winners:
Handmade Quilt:
Mary Stone
2 - Snortum's Perennial Packs:
Shelby Sik
(Astillbe & Perennial Geranium)
Ashley Dressen
(Hosta & False Onion)
$50 Moberg Meat Center Certificate:
Jada Dressen
2 - $15 PK Egans Certificates:
Sharon Zietlow
Kelcey Peterson
Raffle drawing 2014 Winners:
Quilt: Midge Victor
Placemats: Karen Rentsch
Perennials: Madie Sik
Perennials: Norma Houtkooper
Moberg Meat Center Gift Certificate: Liz Fink
PK Egans Gift Certificate: Jean Kockelman
PK Egans Gift Certificate: Shirley Saum
Ice Cream Social 2013
Raffle Winners:
Quilt: Phyllis Roehr
Perennials: Avis Kruger
$50 Moberg Meat Gift Certificate:
Sylvia Pridal
$15 PK Egans Gift Certificate:
Wally Antony
Jennifer Dressen
Ice Cream Social --- 7-19-2012
Ice Cream Social --- 7-15-2010
Featured the Heritage Garden!
Ice Cream Social ---
In 2009, the Lund-Hoel House will be coordinating our Ice Cream Social with the Presbyterian Church Centennial Celebration across the street for even more fun!
Our "usual" date for the Social is at the same time as the Yellow Medicine County Fair. Please enjoy the Fair!
Please Join US!!!
September & October 2009
The Lund-Hoel House will open for regular tour hours through August 31st. After that date, tours will be by appointment only, weather permitting.
The Lund-Hoel House is also open for the September Highway 75 By-Way weekend celebration, which is the 2nd weekend in September.
This year's events included:
Honored Guest: Harold Madsen
Vintage Wedding Dress Display
Loom Demonstrations by Tory Hanna, Briar Rose Fibers
Classical Music recital on Nella's piano by Lindsay Full
Gingerbread display by Don Berndt & Richard Johnson
Ice Cream Social --- July 26th, 2007
We would like to thank everyone who made this year's Ice Cream Social a success!!!
We hope to see you again next year!
Click (under construction) to see pictures of our 2007 Ice Cream Social! After clicking the thumbnail for a larger view, the image will open in a new window. Photos are courtesy of Jennifer Dressen, one of our members.
August, September, & October 2007
The Lund-Hoel House will open for tours through Labor Day. After that date, tours will be by appointment only, weather permitting.
The Lund-Hoel House was also open for the September Highway 75 By-Way weekend celebration.
All photos and images on this website are the property of the Lund-Hoel House Museum, MECCA Inc., or their individual owners.
All rights reserved.
Copyright©2004-2025 MECCA, Inc. All Rights Reserved
(Museum Encompassing Canby Community Area, Inc.)
501(c)3 Non-Profit
Site last modified: 1/1/2025